Thursday, 13 August 2009

Mass Article Control - You Really Need To Read This


Long time, no post!

Serious apologies, but I'm sure you will understand Lee and I have been busy with Instant Social Traffic.

So, what have we been up to?

Well, we thought with all the hype surrounding the launch of Mass Article Control, we'd have a look and see if it does what it says on the tin (so to speak) and if it was a worthwhile addition to our social traffic activities.

Here's what we found.

There is no doubt writing articles and publishing out to the article sites should be part of your marketing arsenal. And, there is no doubt that publishing articles in many places can drive large amounts of free traffic to your sites.

However, it is a right pain in the backside to write lots of variations on a theme and then submitting to the numerous article sites.

And, if you're looking to publish Hubpages and Squidoo Lenses, the duplicate content rules are very hard to get around. So, you spend a lot of time writing and then you can only use what you write to a certain degree. try to use a PLR article but someone has beaten you to it and you're the one that gets "whacked" for duplicate content.

Mass Article Control aims to overcome both problems.

It comes in two parts.

Firstly an "Article Spinner".

Secondly an "Article Submitter".

I've been using Mass Article Control for two weeks now and this is what I have found.

The Spinner is pretty good. I took one of my old newsletters (about 2,000 words) and ran it through the spinner.

To be fair this was time consuming as a lot of the alternative words had to be entered myself as the internal thesaurus was a little lacking.

However, having put the time in the spinner churned out over thirty variations on the article all essentially around 15% different from each other.

I have to say, I wasn't sure that was enough of a percentage difference, but...I bit the bullet and set up a Hubpage using one version of the spun article and...hey presto, no duplicate penalty from Hubpages. Hubpages had penalised me on this same article before putting it through the spinner!

Test One passed!

The submitter. I did buy the upgrade to the twenty article submitter for the extra $47, so I then picked a different spin of the article and submitted to the article sites.

Setting up the submitter took a bit of time as I had to set up all the article site memberships. But once set up and tested entering the article is really very quick indeed (no more than 3-4 minutes).

However, there were some problems with the submitter.

Some needed author names set up and you are not allowed to set an author name up until you submit your first article at many sites. So, I got nine failures on the first submission.

Once I realised why and set up my author name, most submitted, although three persisted in failing and needed a manual submission.

Also, one site in the submitter list is NOT an article site.

Now the Mass Article Control people do admit that they had some teething problems and they sent out a new version of the product for download.

Since getting the new version I have had trouble submitting to some article sites. I have sent a ticket to support and not yet had an answer.

However, what I have found is that often failures are due to the following:-

  • Too many keyword phrases, some article sites only allow two or three.
  • Article sites are often down for maintenance early morning U.K time.
  • Sometimes the submission just plain fails.
  • Mass Article Control doesn't necessarily submit correctly to some sites, one in particular.

Now I know the guys at Mass Article Control are real geeks, and I know they are working extremely hard to put this initial glitches right, so I am happy to persist.

I can almost hear you shouting...WHY?

Well, the fact is, my sales have gone up on the products I have promoted using MAC! And, they have gone up quite considerably. And I have had NO duplicate content issues AT ALL!

So, for my money, Mass Article Control is a definite BUY, and the sooner Adeel and Bobby sort out the teething problems the better as the product will be even more powerful when they do:>)

Get Mass Article Control by Clicking HERE.

I recommend it.

As *YOUR* success

Cheers now
